
【云朵】云和月的故事合集【云朵】云和月的故事合集晨夜息月<br>云随着月到低处<br><br>Rest the moon in the morning and night<br>Clouds reach low with the moon<br><br>是倒影告诉我<br>云和月落到了此处<br><br>It's the reflection tell me<br>The clouds and the moon fell here收藏晨夜息月云随着月到低处Rest the moon in the morning and nightClouds reach low with the moon是倒影告诉我云和月落到了此处It’s the reflection tell meThe clouds and the moon fell here云中幻月<br>是幻月给云彩上色<br><br>Moon in the clouds<br>It's the magic moon that colors the clouds<br><br>是月告诉我云的颜色<br><br>It is the moon that tells me the color of clouds<br>收藏云中幻月是幻月给云彩上色Moon in the cloudsIt’s the magic moon that colors the clouds是月告诉我云的颜色It is the moon that tells me the color of clouds彩曦升月<br>云和月的故事<br>月离开云的怀抱<br>远去与云说再见<br><br>The story of cloud and moon<br>The Moon leaves the embrace of clouds<br>Go away and say goodbye to the cloud收藏彩曦升月云和月的故事月离开云的怀抱远去与云说再见The story of cloud and moonThe Moon leaves the embrace of cloudsGo away and say goodbye to the cloud云夕晚月<br>云和月的故事<br><br>Colorful sunlight rises to the moon<br>Late moon on cloud evening<br>The story of cloud and moon收藏云夕晚月云和月的故事Colorful sunlight rises to the moonLate moon on cloud eveningThe story of cloud and moon

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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending
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